Wednesday, November 18, 2009

First post!

So I'm starting this blog (1am on a Wednesday night!) because I wanted to write about hockey. (Whether or not I am comfortable enough to share this blog with people has yet to be determined..) Now that I'm here though, I dunno what to say.

Let's start with the game tonight eh?

Colorado Avalanche @ Calgary Flames

Avs win it 3-2.

The first thing I notice about this score is how close it is compared to how the game went. Sure, the Avs let more shots in on goal, but not really more quality chances. It seemed a lot of Calgary's shots were just thrown on net just to get something on net because they were pushed to the outside. Matt Duchene was 10-2 in the faceoff circle tonight. Amazing.

Tonight we looked like the Avalanche of the first few weeks of the season. We were fast to loose pucks, played the trap game very well, and made the most of our opportunities. A few lazy plays here and there, but there's just certain players you, unfortunately, expect it from. (Wolski and Clark are the two main offenders that pop into my head right off the bat)

I suppose I should do a bit of an introduction as it's my first post and all eh?

I'm Zach. My very good friend Armin has a little brother who just graduated Marine boot camp. While there his girlfriend asked another Marine if he liked the Marine Corps. He straightened his posture, looked her dead in the eye and said "Ma'am, I love the Marines." That's how I feel about this sport.

Anyway, my name is Zach. I'm twenty-two, got into playing hockey in late January of 2009 after a fourteen year stint of neglecting my hockey playing. I'm not that fastest skater, nor the best stick handler, or the best positional defensive player, but every now and again I make a decent pass or two, and can usually create at least some havoc while on D. I jokingly compare my play style to that of Darcy Tucker, where I spend most my time falling/crashing into stuff.

My love of hockey was inspired by a mixture of getting roller blades as a gift the Christmas of 1994, Colorado getting it's only professional ice hockey team of my life time (Sorry Rockies-- err Devils), and the movie The Mighty Ducks (I watched the first two films over and over as a kid). Hockey idols as a kid (heavily influenced by my local hockey team) include Joe Sakic, Peter Forsberg, Chris Pronger, Patrick Roy (Okay so SEVERELY influenced)... As for current players well, I could probably list someone off each team that I kinda like. (Yes, *sigh* even Detroit)

I was gonna list a bunch of favorite players and why, but 2:30am hit and I scrapped the idea, perhaps I'll do an in-depth look in a later post...

I don't really know how to end this soo... take a salt tablet, walk it off.

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